Monday, November 11, 2013

birthday cards... again!

oh hey. its been a while. here's a quick blog post and life lesson. don't start making super cute cut paper birthday cards for people because it sets a standard you have to live up to. it started a few years back with a lion for my mom (see old blog posts for pics) then amanda got a tiger my brother got a baby orangutan my dad got a grizzly my grandma got a toucan there were a couple beagles in there and my sister got a red panda recently. i probably missed a few in there but now people sort of expect them and are disappointed if there are no moving parts in them. anyhow my lady always gets more effort in the artwork because it tricks her into thinking i'm one of those creative sensitive types instead of a slob who makes her watch pro wrestling and listen to me bitch about comics. without further ado, here is the sketch for her card and a scan of the card itself. the hat comes off making him an any time puppy! also a quick pic of the card I made my twinsy for her bday this last year. all of these start as a quick sketch to establish shapes and then I go to town with an x-acto, some scissors, a pile of cardstock, and a small enclosed space full of rubber cement fumes. they are a challenge but i end up really enjoying the results. if you want to commission a fantastically cute custom cut-paper card (alliteration!) for any occasion for a loved one or even yourself, drop me a line! for real! more posts to follow soon. i mean it!
