Wednesday, November 2, 2011

miss amandas birthday stuffs

there were 2 birthdays this month that required excessive artwork from yours truly. the first was my mamas (i will post her stuff on wednesday or thursday this week) and amandas. the both got a cut paper card and a painting. these are amandas.  the card is a tiger whose ear pulls out with the message inside. the painting is a monkey which also happened to be the first of well over 100 animals i drew for her whilst flirting at work (unbeknownst to her for quite awhile apparently...) i find both quite cute and fairly successful. she also got 2 seasons of parks and rec on dvd and the pawnee book by leslie knope. spoiled, huh? 
(sorry about the poor quality pics. my camera is currently sans sd card so i made do)

see you all soon,

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