oops. accidentally skipped most of april there with posting and what not. here's a quick post of a couple cards and some doodles. it was amanda's mom's birthday a couple days after mine so this year she got her very own zach brand birthday card. then a few days later it was my aunt nic's birthday so she got one too. the worst part about these cards is giving them away. sure its awesome that people get excited when they get them but man that chameleon was real hard to give up. tried some watercolor accents on him and just went for super simple and super cute on the pup. he is mostly a st. bernard since that is our puppy obsession of late. also as a b-day gift i got the manga studios software and just started playing around on it today. so here are 2 little drawings i colored up with it. it's pretty fun and i haven't even scratched the surface of it yet. probably more stuff coming from that soon.