Following the previous xmas card post, we find another greeting card. Following in the tradition of the cut paper birthday cards I've been doing for a couple years, here is the one for my dad this year. This time it's themed with the present. We got him the first few seasons of the X-Files on dvd because it's a super awesome show and I am going to be Fox Mulder when I grow up. But I digress. The card is an alien and the message on the back has the obvious pun of "happy b-day to the most eXcellent papa ever". I used a different method in the cutting and assembling of this card so here is the original drawing and the process of the final.
Anyhow, I have a backlog of sketches that might show up in some posts in the near future and hopefully in the next few weeks a post about a super huge, super secret project I've been working on for quite some time now. Stay tuned!