Friday, May 6, 2011


Hey everybody, here's a little bonus post. One of my favorite illustrations that I decided to clean up for my portfolio. The original title was "Polar Opposition" (because I realize polar bears and penguins don't coexist) (and because its moderately clever). 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

troll update

I posted a first sketch of a drunk troll a few days ago and got some feedback from the client and reworked it over the last 2 days. Here's what it looks like now. I think he's pretty fun and I hope he'll be the final one for this.  I'll post the finished design when I get through with that too...

Also, as you peruse the animal drawings, if any animals comes to mind that I haven't done yet or done right, let me know because some times its tough coming up with animals on the fly and I love suggestions.

Now to start some paintings for Mother's Day because I am such a good little boy....


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

post show wind-down

Ooh, it's been a while since I posted here. I feel bad. Truly. But the portfolio show ate up all my time and then all my ambition and energy after the fact. Here's a quick post to start this thing rolling again. This was a draft of a drawing of a drunk troll for a freelance job I'm working on. I'll be back with more animals and other stuff soooooon!